字段 | 字段内容 |
001 | 01h0457225 |
005 | 20210918174145.0 |
010 | $a: 978-7-201-16655-1$d: CNY39.80 |
049 | $a: A420100WHL$b: UCS01010398650$c: 010398650 |
100 | $a: 20210225d2021 em y0chiy0110 ea |
101 | $a: chi |
102 | $a: CN$b: 120000 |
105 | $a: y z 000fy |
106 | $a: r |
200 | $a: 失恋博物馆$9: shi lian bo wu guan$d: Museum of broken hearts$f: 馆长Alice著$z: eng |
210 | $a: 天津$c: 天津人民出版社$d: 2021 |
215 | $a: 252页$d: 21cm |
510 | $a: Museum of broken hearts$z: eng |
606 | $a: 故事$x: 作品集$y: 中国$z: 当代 |
690 | $a: I247.81$v: 5 |
701 | $a: 馆长Alice$9: guan chang Alice$4: 著 |
801 | $a: CN$b: 044002$c: 20210918 |
905 | $d: I247.81$r: CNY39.80$e: 569 |
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